It is from this book that my first offerings were created, I started by making scones, cakes, and biscuits from this, at the age of 10- just looked at the messy food splattered pages from those old days!
It's also great for basic meat dishes, pastry,preserves-another passion of mine.
I have lots of cook books but don't very often ref from them,I like to compare recipes online takes seconds. A lot of the things I cook regularly are committed to memory, but I like reading my cookbooks, when I'm relaxing,or in bed. I use them a lot more at Xmas time, Nigella's Xmas being a fave,and you can always rely on Delia.
If you saw my previous post you will note that my son has just started eating solid food again, after a 6 week TFR replacement programme, and asked me last week to make Scones, as he missed out when I made them over Easter, so thought I would share this recipe,they are really good!
Here is -Marguerite pattern's recipe.
I stick to this 100% but add in a handful of sultanas as we prefer them with fruit.
Cheese scones are good too :)
I think to secret to wonderful fully light risen scones is not handling the dough for very long, roll it out quickly as you can and quite thick, I roll it out to 3/4 inch thick, brush with beaten egg or milk and don't over cook them.
Sorry didn't plan on blogging these until they came out of the oven, or would have posted pics in stages.
These are lovely served as a cream tea, use good jam and whipped or clotted cream, the Cornish way is to add the jam, then the cream, Devonshire folk do the opposite, think I'm a Cornish gal at heart then! Either way they are delicious!
Shame I ran out of my strawberry jam, definitely be making some of that soon!
Happy weekend everyone!