Thursday 5 September 2013

Cornwall Sept 2013

Not been on here for a while...been so busy this summer!

 My cookery classes take up a lot of time, planning for each week, I am just starting adult classes too, and am hoping to be mega busy in the Autumn and lead up to Christmas - dare I say that word yet?!

This summer has been glorious, but I'm definitely ready for the Autumn and cooler days now, I want to make jam, and get back to my crochet, need to get out and foraging at the weekend, should be plenty of them this year, as summer been good for all fruits.

We have just got back from a break in Cornwall,  it was sunny, breezy and restful for a few days, wish we could have gone for longer. I would move there in a shot if I could. The place just nourishes my soul.

Sadie and Lulu had great fun every day on the beaches.

Until next year. Hope you all enjoyed the holidays.