Wednesday 13 July 2011

Onion Bhajees and Mint sauce

These bhajees are so delicious and authentic, and very simple to make, I make these often.. and thought I would share.

For the bahjees you will need:

2-3  med onions
1 Tbsp red lentils pre soaked in water for 10 mins
11/2 tsp fennel seeds
1 tsp methi leaves
1 Tbsp med curry powder
1tsp yellow colour(powder) not essential
1tsp garlic paste
1 tsp ginger paste
1 Tbsp Pataks kashmiri paste
1large  egg
Handful chopped fresh coriander
Good pinch salt
Gram flour- 500g bag (you will need 1/4 of this)

Most Indian stores will stock all of the above ingredients very cheaply, you get a lot more for your money than in the supermarkets, just keep your bags of spices sealed in an airtight container, and they will keep for months.

You will need a deep fat fryer or a deep saucepan to cook the bhajees, and  a big bowl to mix all the ingredients.

First pre heat your fryer to 180.

Finely slice all the onion, then add all the other ingredients on top of the onions, minus the gram flour.

Mix everything together gently with your hand in a claw shape, being careful not to squeeze the onions, as it will make the mixture watery. ( The Chef from the restaurant told me this!)
Add 1/4  of the bag of the gram flour and combine in with your hands until it coats everything, your mix should feel thick and sticky.

 Pick up a small amount of mix into one hand and sit in the basket of the fryer, DO NOT squash them flat or they won't cook properly, they need air circulating inside. I can usually fit 3 in at a time, lower in and cook for a couple of minutes, then take out and place into a kitchen paper lined colander, repeat  again then drain.
Now go back to the first 3 that you cooked squash down into a slightly flatter shape and pop back into the fryer for 1 minute then drain again onto kitchen paper, and set aside into a flat baking tin lined with kitchen roll.

Slighty flattened into patty shape

Keep going until you have no mixture left.
You will be picking at them as you wait for the others to cook, they are very moreish!

These are really nice served with mint sauce, to make this you will need:

1/2 pot Natural yoghurt 500g ( I just use cheap lo fat brand)
2 tsp smooth mango chutney
 2 tsp jar mint sauce
2 tsp caster sugar or to taste
Pinch of yellow colour
Splash of milk

I usually make up a big bowl of this and freeze some that is remaining in little plastic pots or ramekins.
 Pour the yoghurt  into a biggish bowl and add all remaining ingredients, mix well with a fork, can add a bit more sugar if you prefer it on the sweet side. Lastly thin down with a splash of milk, the sauce should have the consistency of single cream.

Everybody I have made these for absolutely love them!


Thursday 7 July 2011

Appreciation for Mr Parkinson....

Whilst catching a glimpse of  Topgear on Dave the other day, which eldest son was watching { I HATE THIS PROGRAMME- THESE 3 OVERGROWN CHILDREN REALLY GRATE ON ME!!!}  I noticed he was interviewing the one and only Michael Parkinson, my son didn't even know who he was.... sad.

It brought back loads of happy memories for me sitting up with my parents as a child watching all those truly great people being interviewed, the likes of Muhammad Ali 'You aint never going to tackle me!!',  Richard Burton, Bette Davis... These people 'deserved' to be called stars. I have re watched countless time aswell on Youtube.

Quite a difference from today's trashy celeb culture we live in.Talentless twats invading every channel, reality shite TV- I abhor it. Hence hardly ever watch TV. I have recently bought myself an Ipod and I LOVE LOVE it, I'm being transported back in time, memories reawoken... I'm very happy right now.:)

Back to parky, I posted this clip from Youtube on my Facebook this morning, how wonderful this is:

Just beautiful isn't it?