Whilst catching a glimpse of Topgear on Dave the other day, which eldest son was watching { I HATE THIS PROGRAMME- THESE 3 OVERGROWN CHILDREN REALLY GRATE ON ME!!!} I noticed he was interviewing the one and only Michael Parkinson, my son didn't even know who he was.... sad.
It brought back loads of happy memories for me sitting up with my parents as a child watching all those truly great people being interviewed, the likes of Muhammad Ali 'You aint never going to tackle me!!', Richard Burton, Bette Davis... These people 'deserved' to be called stars. I have re watched countless time aswell on Youtube.
Quite a difference from today's trashy celeb culture we live in.Talentless twats invading every channel, reality shite TV- I abhor it. Hence hardly ever watch TV. I have recently bought myself an Ipod and I LOVE LOVE it, I'm being transported back in time, memories reawoken... I'm very happy right now.:)
Back to parky, I posted this clip from Youtube on my Facebook this morning, how wonderful this is:
Just beautiful isn't it?
I agree Sue, Sometimes I switch on to Yesterday channel, and get immersed in a Catherine Cookson drama, or go to one of my box sets, Pride and Predjudice being a fave- nothing to do with Colin Firth though ;)