Sunday, 24 October 2010

Halloween pics

I went to a  Pre Halloween bash last night, it was great fun, but I have suffered today with a hangover from hell... anyway a few pics of our goings on...

Spooky cupcakes

Werewolf  cakes
Daughter had fun dressing up as a witch

Little witch
Goth bride
This was my attempt, at kind of fancy dress... the make up was more vivid in real life than in this pic, but it looked good overall, a fun night was had by all, too much wine was consumed by myself, as well as some strange concoction from Germany, which I downed 3 shots of....  I need a week to recover!

Looking foward to half term, with the kids, with more pumpkin carving at the weekend, and an extra  hours sleep on Sunday!


  1. Love those werewolf cupcakes!

  2. It wasn't Jagermeister was it?
    If it was, Jager is naaaaasty to do shots with!
    I love the werewolf cupcake!!

  3. Oooh, I just googled that Laura, and yes deffo, cos I recognise the label, Bloody hell, I well never drink that EVER again! Yeah the kids loved the werewolves!

    Why can't I comment on your blog? no box on the bottom, strange? xx
