Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Remembrance poppies

I have just been reading a blog I follow all about Remembrance, and would like to share it with you.

Cherry posts a link to Ebay for purchasing crocheted poppies, and all proceeds will be donated to The Royal British Legion and Help For Heroes, they have already raised over £1000!

It is so VERY important that we NEVER forget what these men and their families endured for our freedoms, and remind our younger generation of the facts.

If I could crochet I would make these  myself, but still don't know how, but I know plenty of bloggers I follow can.

 Maybe  some you great crocheters fancy doing this as a fund raiser, the poppies are much nicer to wear than the paper kind, and will raise more money.

I think it's a lovely idea :)


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