Saturday, 16 March 2013

My first cookery class!

First class update - Spring rolls, Thai noodles & Ginger cake

Well I'm pleased to say that the first class went very well, the children enjoyed it, which is what counts the most!  

We cooked Spring Rolls, filled with chopped cabbage, red peppers, ginger garlic, chicken, and fresh coriander which we wrapped in rice paper which wasn't great to work with to be honest, but the filling was delicious, sticking to Samosa wraps in future though! There was a dipping sauce to accompany them.

We also made Thai noodles


And sticky Ginger cake.

                                                         We have a shy girl!

                               Looking forward to next weeks class and growing class numbers! :)

If you follow my blog, and are interested in following what we're up to in cookery classes then please follow my other blog:

Jenny's Kitchen. I also have a Facebook page.

Thanks for reading. :) 



  1. woop that's fab news!
    it all sounds TOO delicious:
    wishing you love and luck with your new venture lovely lady x

  2. Thanks Dee it was a lot of fun! xx
