Monday, 10 October 2011

Nude Artwork in progress

This is my latest oil painting in progress. I love painting nudes, really like this pose, here are a 3 stages of it.

This is just referenced form a pose on google.

First stage
This is stage 1, blocking in rough shadows.

Stage 2, improving, getting colours and blends in.

Stage 3

This is my favourite stage, getting lots of detail and definition in, and warming all the tones up and getting nice soft blends with a big soft brushes, My paintings are totally smooth, no brush marks,although I do want to experiment with techniques. I do have a go and then going back to my old ways, old habits die hard!

I have one more stage to go on this , but it won't look much different, just little thongs that irk me.

A painting is NEVER finished you know......


  1. WOW OH WOW!!! This painting is awesome. Thanks so much for sharing.
    Anne xx

  2. Thanks so much Anne, it means a lot to get positive feedback, especially since I been out of the game for a while,what with the little one.
    I don't think I've lost my touch! xx
