Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Finished Blanket!

Yipee!! It's done, it took 1 week, every evening all evening and a bit squeezed in during the day here and there and I'm really proud, as this is the first thing I've ever made, EVER! It wasn't without its problems,but I corrected them as I went. The hardest part was the scalloped edge, lots of unravelling  and restarting took place,until I sussed it.

My daughter loves it and is snuggling into at every given moment which is what I intended.

I think the colours are gorgeous,it makes me feel cheerful looking at it.

The reveal moment.... here it is....

The picture really doesn't do it justice, my camera phone is broken, this was taken on hubby's blackberry,which has the worst camera ever!

Onto blanket number 2 now.....


  1. Fantastic job, I love it.
    Anne xx

  2. Beautiful. I have been trying to master crochet for ages and am still failing. I must try harder! I LOVE your blanket! :)
